A sporting event of this scale requires a robust operations structure to make sure any issues are dealt with at speed. An Olympic-type operational structure was deployed, establishing a front-line level I support with a call-handing facility for triaging calls coming through from Incident Control. For level II resolution, a Technology Operations Centre (TOC) was set-up with several technology suppliers represented and working across two daily shift-patterns. For level III support, which was predominantly remote, the relevant process and SLAs were set-up with essential support across the technology supplier landscape. Given the threat of cyber-attacks, a Security Operations Centre (SOC) was also established on-site, with a Cyber Incident Response Team on stand- by for immediate action if needed. The SOC monitored an average of 175 million firewall session log records per day and were able to actively block 143 malicious attempts from across the globe. This structure proved incredibly successful, with the number of troubleshooting tickets raised reduced from 84 in 2018 to just 40 in 2023.