The event benefited from the first ever intelligence wall in sport for Ryder Cup Europe set out to make Rome the most sustainable Ryder managing tournament operations. This enabled proactive monitoring of Cup ever. On a technology level, innovations included: the technology across the course and ensured robust deployment. The Ryder Cup also used one of sport’s first ever pan-venue IOT based • 14 solar powered weather stations across all 18 holes, each edge-to-cloud computing platforms with a range of IoT environmental recording up to 12 measurements every three seconds. sensors deployed: • Through cloud-based technology and smart purchasing, avoiding single-use technology wherever possible. • x140 power sensors (LoRa) • Over 100 environment sensors for operational efficiency. • x5 multi sensors (temperature, humidity) • Infrastructure with smart power control, to ease the power-up of Wi- • x5 EnOcean USB dongles Fi in the mornings. • x5 contact sensors • Wireless technologies to reduce cabling. • x2 motion sensors • Sports first-ever “solar-powered” weather sensors for areas where • x2 water leak sensors power was restricted. • x2 smoke alarm sensors. • Over 50% of all buggies were recharged using solar-powered recharging stations This was all monitored by a new sustainability dashboard, measuring the carbon footprint of our IT infrastructure in real time and graphically reporting carbon impacts, power consumption and energy costs. The core emissions of the event were also offset, including all staging operations and player/staff travel. We also ran a campaign encouraging fans to offset their journey to Rome via the official Ryder Cup app.