THE 2023 SPORTS Introduction TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, IN ASSOCIATION Another change we’ve made this year is to replace the publication of our annual Sports Technology Power List with voting rights for Review readers. By WITH CAPGEMINI downloading The Review, you have demonstrated a vested interest in sports technology and as such have a right to have your say in which brands you believer are leading the sector. Go to to see how to cast your votes. , the shortlist for and the wider industry gets more interesting and sophisticated every year. The market continues to grow at a rate of c. 20% with forecasts suggesting that the sector will be worth between $45b and $55b by 2030. Traditionally forecasts have under-estimated market value but what is immeasurable is the passion in this sector and how buoyant, dynamic and exciting it is. We hope this year’s Review reflects that and presents you with an accessible, authoritative and valuable tool on which you can draw for the next 12 months. As always, we hope to leave you better informed and more inspired. Rebecca Hopkins